Monday, October 27, 2014


A category is just a group of people with similar characteristics such as these people who all shop at cvs.  A category can consist of any number of people and can be about lots of different things such as being tall or short.

Horatio alger myth

The Horatio alger myth was an idea that anyone that tries can get ahead.  This is false because there have to be poor to support the rich.  Not that there needs to be as big of a gap as there is right now.

Social mobility

Social mobility is the possibility that someone could move up or down the social ladder.  For example if a father owned a sutherland lumber store and left it to his son.  The son could take the company to new heights and profits, or he could run it into the ground and end up penniless.


Aggregates are just people who happen to be in the same place at the same time, but don't have to have anything in common other than that.  For example: people in a park (assuming there were any on this day) might not know each other and may be there for completely different reasons.

Body language

Body language is a key part of communication especially for those who know best how to look for it.  Shown in the picture are a couple of my friends showing a playful body language.  This helps us know how the other person is feeling toward us and to then adjust our actions accordingly.

Social institution

A social institution can be a lot of things, from a church to the media or even things such as science.  Social institutions are basically anything we work together to fulfill our societies needs.

In and out groups

In groups are groups who we feel loyalty to and out groups are who we feel antagonism toward.  For example: in Rocky 4 when Rocky went to Russia to fight, all of the russians were an in group and Rocky and his friends were the out group.

Feminization of poverty

Feminization of poverty means that most poor families are led by single mothers.  This is because it's hard enough to raise a family by yourself, but women also make less per hour than men.


Prestige means having the respect of others for your accomplishments.  For example I play a game called runescape where there are high scores for all the world to see.  It may not seem like it to someone that doesn't play, but in certain circles I can get a nod of the head for the amount of time that I've spent playing.

Gender socialization

Gender socialization is the idea that boys are given play tools and girls are given dolls to play with.  This idea continues into adulthood with people thinking that some jobs are only for men and some are only for women.  There are many more women nowadays in fields where only a couple of decades ago it would have been unacceptable.  I had a couple of female friends years ago when I used to pour concrete.

Achieved status

An achieved status is one that you earn through effort.  For example: being bilingual is a great achieved status.  Not all achieved status are good though.  Someone could be a high school drop out and it would still be an achieved status.  Although that sounds like the opposite of an achievement.

Master status

Master status is someones most prominent status.  If someone were to ask a friend of someone else's they might say, oh he's a nice guy or a jerk.  Someone's master status could even be that they like to drink a lot.

Ascribed status

Ascribed status is usually born with although it can also be involuntarily given to you later on in life.  For instance being born white or eventually becoming hairy.  Some of these things we can change, like if I chose to I could shave my arms.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Primary groups

Primary groups are usually family members that help you to learn what the world's norms are.  In the picture is my niece Desiree.  Her primary group would consist of my sister, her father, my nephew, and myself.

Secondary group

Secondary groups mostly consist of friends that you meet throughout your life.  They can give you a different perspective than you might have gotten from your primary group.  For instance one might say don't worry about doing your homework let's go have some fun.

Agents of socialization

Mass media

Material and non material culture

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Division of labor


Social inequality


Ideal culture vs. Real culture

Ideal culture is a term used by sociologist to refer to the idea of how we should be or what we should strive for.  For instance most people spend their whole lives in the pursuit of money because we are led to believe that if we get enough of it our lives will be better.  On the flip side, Real culture is a term used to describe what we actually do or our "norms".  For instance I shouldn't, but I can eat this entire bag of potato chips.

Looking glass self

The looking glass self is a term coined by Charles Horton Cooley that contains 3 elements.  We imagine what people think of us and then interpret their reactions.  Then we adjust ourselves accordingly.  For instance if I think that everyone is checking me out because I did my hair in a different way I would probably continue to style it that way any time I plan to go out.