Monday, September 22, 2014

The scientific method

The scientific method means looking to more rational reasoning rather than just superstition.  When this is applied to social life it becomes sociology.

Latent function

Latent function is something that wasn't part if the original plan but ends up still being beneficial.  Surprisingly there are latent functions with video games.  Studies have shown that video games increase hand eye coordination as well as cognitive skills.

Symbolic interactionism

Symbolic interactionism is the idea that symbols help us to know where we stand in our social order as well as what is acceptable in everyday life.  For example this sign tells us that this room is off limits to men.  Without symbolic interactionism there would be chaos.

Survival of the fittest

Survival of the fittest is the idea that societies evolve to a higher or civilized form over the course of generations.  Herbert Spencer might say that we would not need a helmet law for motorcycle riders because if someone is willing to put their life in danger like that then they should be weeded out instead if the more fit (or in this case more intelligent) guiding then.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Functional analysis

Functional analysis is the idea that a society is a whole unit like a living organism where all of the parts work together.  If you look at the small society of the warehouse that I work in (pictured) you can see that the different shifts as well as people with different jobs work together in what is known as a normal state.  For instance; on my shift we unload trucks and put the product on the shelves so that the other shift can take the product back off of the shelf and ship it out to other parts of the country.  Looking even deeper, if someone on the same shift for instance the person unloading the truck can't get the product off of the truck fast enough then the person putting it away won't be able to do his job.  This is known as an abnormal or pathological state.